It's about a 2 hour drive and they stay at a small, quiet motel on da beach. Right when they got all settled into their room, they relaxed wif a little drinkie by da pool. Guess who showed up instantly? The egret, pictured above. Turns out he must be used to all da people and know where the food is, cuz he was right outside their door every day begging for food. He would just stare at their door until they came out. Turns out he loves cheese, but crackers - not so much. They sure got a kick out of his daily visit.
Folks had a good time and mama was happy she got to relax. Now if she could just win da lottery so she can live at da beach forever, well, she can dream. But they went to Tampa Bay Rays baseball game, Hard Rock Casino, their favorite place to eat down in St. Petersburg beach, and the best place of all .... mama found a Flip Flop Super Center!!! She had a great time there and managed to come away with only two pair! And one pair have a built in bottle opener, so what more can you ask for????
Anyhoo, we is all back home safe. Me and Zoe had to keep yowling once we got home too, and we had to inspect da whole howse, every inch of it! We is happy to report dat all is well. Now, as long as we don't has to get in dat crate again for a long time, we be very happy kitties!